Liz Ferro Striving For A Marathon In Every State

Participation in sports from childhood is the best way to make your task challenging. It also trains a child into the sport beforehand sin e the person is exposed to the kind of rigorous training and exercise. Liz Ferro who is the founder of Girls with Sole which is a non profit organization meant for striving for the girls.

Liz Ferro was abused sexually by her neighbour when she was 9 years old but her swimming team saved her from the clichés. She found an escape route- athletics it was. Swimming in water made her let go. She is deeply rooted to running. For a decade she participated and continued to strive in sports. It was the power of athletics by which her life got saved and the reason why she stared Girls with Sole.

It just does not give them power and strength to come out of any obstacle but prepares them for the future. Her journey does not stop as she continues to run in every state possible by which she raises money for her organization. Her motto is very simple to make the girls strong, to give them their self confidence and make them believe that they can accomplish things. It is her 21st marathon which she has completed. She keeps on walking the walk. The marathons were continuous and she still believes that she can proceed further. She also brings her children from the organization wherever she goes.

It is a noble cause that she is pursuing for and in her organization not just about running but also volleyball and basketball and other athletics has been taught so that the children combat the physical activities with ease and release their pressure and stress of life. The curriculum runs deep.

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